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At Thunder Road restaurant you will witness how the Mozzarella is made. Chef Francesco will showcase his passion for Mozzarella and make it in front of you !

Contact us to book Mozzarella Live Show at the restaurant:

Having a Private Event ? 

Delight your guests with Mozzarella Live Making show at the comfort of your home!

Contact us to book your private Catering:

Mozzarella is undoubtedly the queen of Italian cuisine.

At Thunder Road Pizza & Grill we handcraft fresh Mozzarella, Burrata, Stracciatella, Scamorza cheeses to delight our guests.

Try today our homemade Burrata salad or Focaccia Stracciatella!

We also made it available in our Thunder Road Market for you to take it home!


Buon Appetito!

Homemade Mozzarella cheese

Try out today 
our Homemade 


Legend has it that Mozzarella was first made when cheese curds accidentally fell into a pail of hot water in a cheese factory near Naples.

The Neapolitan cheese craftsmen started making Mozzarella cheese from the rich milk of Water Buffalo. Because it was not made from pasteurized milk and there was no refrigeration the cheese had a very short shelf-life and seldom left the southern region of Naples where it was created.

As the cheese technology, refrigeration and transportation systems developed the cheese spread to other regions of Italy. To this day, it is widely known that the best and most highly prized handcrafted buffalo mozzarella is still found south of Naples near Lettere, Battipaglia and Caserta.

Con la cálida brisa que llegaba del golfo de Nápoles a su cocina rústica en Lettere, Gennaro Romano y su esposa Anna trabajaron diligentemente con leche descremada parcial para crear el “Caseificio Romano”, una casa de quesos. Esto fue en el corazón del 1925. La Mozzarella se hacía tradicionalmente con leche de búfala, Gennaro introdujo en su fábrica una combinación de leche entera de vaca produciendo un “Fior di Latte”. Esta mozzarella se vendió y distribuyó desde sus humildes orígenes en Lettere a lo largo de Nápoles, desde Salerno hasta los acantilados rocosos de Roma.

En 1961, Caseificio Factory cambió de manos, pasando al hijo de Gennaro, Vittorio. Mantuvo el nombre original de la fábrica y aumentó la producción. La fábrica de queso de gestión familiar se hizo conocida en Italia por su auténtica Mozzarella de búfala y Fior di Latte hechos a mano.  

En la actualidad, el Caseificio es una quesería artesanal familiar. Hoy, el hijo de Vittorio, Francesco Romano , un reputado chef de alta cocina, continúa la tradición del arte del queso y mantiene todas las operaciones en la fábrica, desde la creación hasta la producción y la venta de quesos artesanales Caseificio.

Homemade Mozzarella cheese



In 2015 Francesco Romano, the corporate executive chef of Thunder Road Group, brought the Caseificio cheese technology to Thunder Road Pizza & Grill restaurant menu.

Through the experience of the best Italian cheese craftsmen -  the Romano family - we are bringing to your table an incomparable combination of real taste and fresh, healthy Mozzarella.

Thunder Road Pizza & Grill Ras Al Khaimah is the only restaurant that serves homemade Mozzarella cheese made right at your table!

Thunder Road restaurant RAK, UAQ

 Vittorio Romano

Order now our freshly homemade Mozzarella or Burrata cheese! 

We deliver within Ras Al Khaimah.

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